
Standard post published to 29 Again Custom Fitness at June 14 2023 03:57

Tuesday - personal trainer in Timonium from GMB Posts For Location "29 Again Custom Fitness"

Standard post published to 29 Again Custom Fitness at June 12, 2023 16:35

Monday - person training in Timonium from GMB Posts For Location "29 Again Custom Fitness"

Standard post published to 29 Again Custom Fitness at June 11, 2023 00:00

Friday - personal training in Timonium from GMB Posts For Location "29 Again Custom Fitness"

Standard post published to 29 Again Custom Fitness at June 09, 2023 14:56

What's YOUR resting heart rate (and why does it even matter)? The simplest way to find your resting heart rate is to ... Well, THE simplest way is to check your smart watch. The second simplest way is to gently rest your middle and index fingers on the artery (the "radial artery") on the inside of your wrist just below your thumb . Once you feel your pulse, count how many beats occur in 15 seconds, and multiply this number by 4. (If you’re math-challenged -- Double the total number of beats you count in 15 seconds, then double that number again.) Here's why knowing your resting heart rate is important ... Data from the Copenhagen Heart Study (with 20,000 subjects and started in 1975), shows you’re twice as likely to die from heart problems if your RHR is 80, compared with someone whose RHR is below 50. And you’re three times as likely to die from heart issues if your RHR is over 90. RHR is also linked to your risk of diabetes ... A Chinese study with over

Standard post published to 29 Again Custom Fitness at June 09, 2023 13:14

Thursday - personal training in Timonium from GMB Posts For Location "29 Again Custom Fitness"

Standard post published to 29 Again Custom Fitness at June 07, 2023 22:42

Wednesday - personal training gym in Timonium from GMB Posts For Location "29 Again Custom Fitness"

Standard post published to 29 Again Custom Fitness at June 07, 2023 14:45

Camels are known for two things: * Their humps, and * Their ability to go for long periods without water. But do you know the relationship between the two? And do you know their humps are full of fat, not water! (But, Stephen, what does that have to do with my fitness and nutrition??) First, a brief, pain-free chemistry lesson: Fat molecules are made up of C's, H's, and O's. (That's Carbon, Hydrogen, and Oxygen, in case you've forgotten 😉) When you "burn" fat, you release those C's, H's and O's in the form of Carbon Dioxide (CO2) and water (H2O). So the fat in a camel's hump is a way to store water when supplies are low. -- How this affects you -- Humans do the same thing! If you're chronically dehydrated, your body holds on to extra fat as a source of stored water. -- What you should do -- Drink about half an ounce of water/lb of body weight each day. For example, if you weigh 160 pounds, you should drink around 80 o