A major web site just asked me to contribute to an article: "Exercise mistakes for people over 50, why they're dangerous, and what to do about them" Here are my exact comments [Part 1]: (purposely pithy, not necessarily pretty prose) Ignoring "Pre-hab" Generic fitness programs tend to focus on the larger, "mirror muscles," the ones we can see when you check yourself out in the mirror. However, the muscles that tend to get weak as we age are ones you probably don't pay any attention to. Ignoring smaller, stabilizing muscles can lead to injury. Search online for more therapy-based versus physique-based exercises that work muscles like your Gluteus Medius (a hip muscle involved in preventing falls), rotator cuff muscles, mid-back (rhomboids, lower and middle trapezius), and transverse abdominus (your deepest abdominal muscle). Ignoring achy joints Achy joints can be a sign of arthritis or injury. Exercising despite sore joints can prolong ...