I promise to keep this as simple as possible ... The foundation of the training philosophy as a Timonium personal trainer is my "3-4-5 Total Body Fitness System" which I first published a trade journal in 2001. Creating this system took years of research and hands-on experience with hundreds of happy clients. So here's what "3-4-5" means: 3 - All Three Orthogonal Planes 4 - All Four Muscle Sling Systems 5 - All Five Fundamental Movement Patterns Here's a tad more detail about each: 3 Orthogonal Planes - front/back, side-to-side, and rotation 4 Muscle Sling Systems - far too complicated for this venue, but ... Many muscles are literally interconnected such that the force generated in one is transfered to another. Your muscles work together in groups that are not intuitive (that is, you have to study - or perform cadevar dissections. I've done a lot of each.) 5 - Five Fundamental Movement Patterns - push, pull, rotation, working on one leg...