Many people claim that "lack of time" is why they don't exercise as much as they'd like. So I recommend time-crunched people figure out a way to squeeze in just 3 exercises: - a Pull (some form of row) - a Push (push-up, shoulder press, or - distant 3rd - chest press) - a Compound* Lower Body exercise (squat or deadlift) [In case you're not an exercise nerd, "Compound" just means more than one joint is working at a time. Like hips, knees, and ankles in a squat vs. just your knees in a hamstring curl machine.] Not only is that plenty for the vast majority of people, that's how I tend to work out personally. Bonus Tip: You can make that workout far more effective by adding only one more exercise: Choose an exercise that emphasizes one leg at time. You see, whenever you're on only one leg, you automatically work your inner and "outer thigh" muscles (ugh - technically, there's no such thing) AND your core muscles much more. ...