Standard post published to 29 Again Custom Fitness at October 31, 2021 16:48

I'm adding Taurine to MY* list of supplements. [*Your mileage may differ.]

Here's why:

- Studies have shown that taurine improves mental performance, increases energy levels, and boosts the immune system

- Taurine has been shown to remove waste products that lead to fatigue.

- A study indicated weight lifters routine showed fewer markers of muscle damage and and reported less muscle soreness.

- In another study, cyclists supplementing with taurine increased fat burning by 16% during their rides.

- Additional studies showed runners ran longer and reported less fatigue after supplementing with taurine.

Always consult with a medical professional (NOT a trainer or even a nutrition coach like me - sorry) before taking any supplements or changing your diet drastically.

from GMB Posts For Location "29 Again Custom Fitness"

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