Standard post published to 29 Again Custom Fitness at August 15, 2023 16:22

Not getting enough sleep doesn't just make you tired and cranky ...

It also makes it easier for you to store fat by disrupting your hunger hormones (cortisol, leptin, and ghrelin) and making you crave even greater quantities of less nutritious foods.

Here are some quick tips to help you sleep better ...

I suggest you pick the one - and ONLY one - that's easiest for you to start with.

Remember, your "big picture," foundational goal is to establish a bedtime routine you can stick to.

* Get at least 10 minutes of outdoor sunlight (sorry, light through a window doesn't count) as early in the day as you can. This resets your circadian rhythm for better sleep.

* Avoid caffeine after 3 o'clock or so. Noon would be even better.

* Keep your bedroom cool and dark. I have blackout blinds myself.

* Stretch (long, slow stretches, not like the pre-exercise work we do at our gym in Timonium) before bed.

* Use a relaxing breathing exercise. I recommend Dr. Andrew Weil's 4-7-8 technique [search for his YouTube video]

* Use a noise machine (pink noise has been proven to be more effective than white noise). I use the app .

* Avoid screens after bedtime. (I'm supposed to say, "No screens 3 hours before bed," but that's crazy talk, right?)

from GMB Posts For Location "29 Again Custom Fitness"

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