Standard post published to 29 Again Custom Fitness at November 17, 2023 18:07

I'm sure you've heard of HIIT or High Intensity Interval Training by now.

SIT is simply short bursts (< 30 sec) of high-intensity sprints (8-9 out of 10 effort) followed by periods of rest or very-low-intensity exercise.

= = = = = = =
Please consult with a healthcare provider
before adding SIT to your program. Seriously.
= = = = = = =

How to Include SIT in Your Program

* Ease into it
Begin with one SIT session per week and gradually increase in duration and frequency as you become more comfortable.

* Warm-Up is CRUCIAL
Always start with a 5-10 minute warm-up to prepare your body.

I ALWAYS (yes, in CAPS) recommend doing SIT on an exercise bike. Virtually everything about a stationary bike is more conducive to SIT than running, swimming, elliptical-ling(?) or any other modality.

* Here's an example for you ...
Step One: Talk to your doctor!

After warming up, sprint for 20 seconds at your maximum effort (or reasonably close to it), followed by 2-3 minutes of easy pedaling at a low resistance.

Repeat this cycle for 8-20 minutes depending on your fitness level.

* Cool Down
End with a 3-5 minutes of easy pedaling at a low resistance until your heart rate comes down.

Pay attention to your body's signals. If you ever feel undue strain or pain, adjust the intensity or duration accordingly.

from GMB Posts For Location "29 Again Custom Fitness"

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