Standard post published to 29 Again Custom Fitness at November 02, 2023 23:22

A client at our personal training gym in Timonium heeded my advice to start taking a probiotic supplement to help optimize her metabolism.

------- quick aside -------
I recommend the Big Four for virtually everyone looking to optimize their health and physique:

* probiotics (if you're not eating enough fermented foods)
* protein powder (if you find it hard to eat enough "real" protein)
* greens powder (if you're not eating enough veggies)
* fish oil

Unfortunately, probiotic supplements can have side effects including gas, bloating, borborygmus (the fancy term for rumbling or gurgling), and even loose stools.

That's good! (Huh?)

Here's why ...

As your gut biota makes the positive change from being dominated by bad bacteria to being dominated by good bacteria, there may be a “transition period.”

These early uncomfortable "symptoms" - that affect just a small minority of people, btw - are temporary and actually indicate you're on the right track.

If you're looking for more help with your nutrition, you should message me.

Have a great week.

from GMB Posts For Location "29 Again Custom Fitness"

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