Standard post published to 29 Again Custom Fitness at March 29, 2024 22:03

As you can imagine, I got a lot of questions from lots of fitness writers.

Nope, not bragging ...

Because many writers broadcast their questions to dozens of trainers, then sift through what they like (which typically has little to do with what's actually accurate or effective).

Here are a couple of questions I got the other day:

Q) What factors should women consider when selecting a workout plan for weight loss?

The stereotypical weight loss program for women uses weights that are too light and rep schemes that are too high to create enough of a stimulus to change your body.

At the very lightest, you should be using a weight that you cannot lift more than about 15 times.

Beware of programs that mention only the number of reps. It's the number of reps you do relative to the highest number of reps you could do with that same weight that makes all the difference.

Q) Do you have any other tips for women trying to lose weight?

You don't have to move fast, or do lots of reps, or take little or no rest between sets. There are some benefits to increasing what we trainers call "density" (and what normal people call "intensity"), but that can come much later once you've established a foundation of strength.

Also, don't get attached to the Calorie readout on your fitness tracker when you're doing strength training. A fitness tracker just measures movement and heart rate; that doesn't tell you enough about the effectiveness of a weight training workout, though.

from GMB Posts For Location "29 Again Custom Fitness"

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