Our Timonium personal training clients often ask what I think of massage guns. In case you haven't bought a massage gun yet ... (C'mon, all the cool kids have one) You CAN and SHOULD believe the hype. Here's your TL;DR* version of recent research: (*that's "Too Long; Didn't Read," in case you're not hip to the lingo :-) Using a massage gun BEFORE exercise can reduce delayed onset muscle soreness [the soreness that usually comes about 24-48 hrs after a hard workout] and may improve performance in subsequent workouts. Massage guns are scientifically proven to be effective for reducing acute muscle pain. A massage gun alone may be sufficient to increase strength in de-conditioned muscles. Make sure you're using it properly. (You probably aren't, though 😉) You should use your massage gun for less than 5 minutes per muscle, with 1 - 2 minutes being optimal for most people most of the time. https://ift.tt/8kWi0Ey https://ift.tt/bLFr8W...