Standard post published to 29 Again Custom Fitness at May 05, 2023 20:24

Long before I opened our Timonium personal training gym ...

Through my column in one of the trade magazines, I used my Duke engineering background to explain why many classic exercises were actually poor choices.

You know ...

Like bench dips, front raises, alternating curls, etc.

One prime example is triceps kickbacks.

I'll spare you the fancy biomechanics, but basically ...

With kickbacks, the resistance is greatest where you are naturally weakest, AND

The resistance is lightest (in fact, ZERO) where you are naturally strongest.

That's a bad - an ineffective - combination.

Besides ...

Face it, the main reason you're working your triceps at all is because you're praying that somehow your triceps muscle will reach up and burn your upper arm fat for energy.

Sorry. Physiology just doesn't work that way.

You have no more control over where you lose fat than you did over where you gained it.

So why would you spend your valuable time working such a small muscle?

The shocking truth is that studies have proven you'll burn more arm fat by working your lower body (where the big muscles are) than by working your arms directly.

Your goal should be to use more total muscle fibers and not waste your time trying to "tone" small muscles. That's the most effective and efficient way to "get toned."

from GMB Posts For Location "29 Again Custom Fitness"

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