Wait, you can have TOO MUCH spinach?? Yep - spinach is really high in "oxalates." Oxalates are naturally occurring compounds in certain seemingly healthy and innocuous foods including: (again) spinach beet greens rhubarb chocolate, and nuts (esp. almonds - yep, almond milk and almond butter, too) They're not harmful in moderate amounts, but when consumed to excess they can form crystals in your body and lead to kidney stones or other health issues. But wait, those foods I mentioned – they're healthy, right? Well, mostly. Balance is the key, though. Oxalates are 'anti-nutrients' that can interfere with the absorption of certain nutrients. Other examples include phytates (found in grains and seeds) and tannins (in tea and some fruits). But having a spinach salad every day or blending up a green smoothie every morning doesn't automatically put you in the danger zone. However, if you're prone to kidney stones, or if your doctor has recomme...