Standard post published to 29 Again Custom Fitness at October 31, 2024 17:02
Did you know going to bed at the wrong time can be detrimental to your health? A study involving over 88,000 adults (average age 61, 58% women) found some shocking stats about bedtime ... People who went to bed between 11 and midnight had a 12% higher risk of heart disease. Those who went to bed after midnight had a 25% higher risk. See a pattern? Hold on, though ... Those who went to bed before 10 had a 24% higher risk of heart disease. So the current hypothesis is that too early OR too late bedtimes disturb your circadian rhythm. The best time to go to bed seems to be between 10 and 11 p.m. Not only does it appear to be better for your heart health ... It can help you get more "toned." Here's how: When you sleep, your body produces growth hormone, one of your most important hormones when it comes to burning fat and regaining muscle. According to The Sleep Solution by Christopher Winter, MD: “The majority of secretion is between 11 PM and 1 AM, and then it...